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TrustMix - The Preferred Database of "Trusted" Property Professionals is a search directory & network for recommended Investors, Developers, Sourcers, Legal Professionals & Brokers (we're #1) within the UK.

Their mission is to become a 'one-stop shop' to help Property People search for trusted businesses.

If you have a property business and want to enhance your online presence, generate more business and be seen by others as trustworthy, credible and reputable, then is for you.

Sign up and create your free profile today

Add yourself to our search directory, and use the power of our network to upgrade your business.

Want more exposure? They have a range of membership options

(we were the first Business+ Member)

A summary of their membership options: Standard Membership Free, Forever For Investors & Developers, and those wanting to join our property network. Business Membership £18 per month, or £180 per year (2 months free if paying annually) This will be for you if you have a property related business, and want to strengthen your online presence, utilising the power of the TrustMix platform & network we have created. Business+ Membership £50 per month, or £500 per year (2 months free if paying annually) This membership option will allow you to show your TrustMixRATING on your website, enhancing credibility, trustworthiness and confidence of potential new clients who visit your website.

In addition to the above, we are regularly upgrading the platform. We also have an area where you can search and find useful property resources, tools, reading material, events; in addition to our off-market potential deals area.

Sign-up today and experience the power of the network effect. Click here to sign up for free. --- To the fullest extent permitted by law, Finanze Ltd are not responsible for any errors or omissions in any statements, views, opinions, facts, figures, commentary or any other material in the articles contained herein, or for loss arising from its use or performance, or for the results of any actions or lack of action taken on the basis of information provided in articles.

The topics covered in articles are complex and do not substitute the need for financial, legal, accounting, tax and other advice before making any decisions or taking any action based on information in articles.

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To the fullest extent permitted by law, Finanze Legacy Ltd are not responsible for any errors or omissions in any statements, views, opinions, facts, figures, commentary or any other material found in this website, or for loss arising from its use or performance, or for the results of any actions or lack of action taken on the basis of information provided in this website. The topics covered in the website are complex and do not substitute the need for financial, legal, accounting, tax and other advice before making any decisions or taking any action based on information in this website.

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Company Number: 10818467. D-U-N-S® Number: 223032928.

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